The Top Ten Ways To Execute A Follow Up Campaign

You talk with your congregation on Sundays and maybe set up a one-on-one meetings during the week. But what about the rest of the time? Is there a way to know if your message has hit home or if some members of your congregation need extra support? As a pastor, having a follow up strategy is one of the keys to an effective ministry. Follow ups can b...
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4468 Hits
4468 Hits

Why Your Church’s Website Must Be A Priority

Are you giving your church website the attention that it deserves?  If not, you might be missing out on one of the most powerful ways to connect with people. A church's website is a way to quickly connect with the world. It's often the channel that brings new people into contact with a church's ministry for the first time. However, a website o...
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9752 Hits
9752 Hits